After talking up ‘Sensi Trails’ in one of my articles and how deep their reggae music is, in relation to ‘Just Livin’ featuring KBong, I think it is only fair I lavish some praise on Kevin Bong aka KBong.
Kevin also hails from San Diego, Californian, and now lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is a common cliche that once a band is successful for a period of time the lead singer will go solo, rejuvenating his/her career leaving everyone else behind. It is not the case in this scenario. Kevin used to be part of reggae band Stick Figure formed in 2006 alongside lead Scott Woodruff (producer and guitarist), Kevin Offitzer (drums), Tommy Suliman (keyboardist) and backup vocalist and guitarist Johnny Cosmic. Kbong toured with the band from 2012 playing a significant role as a keyboardist. Kevin decided to go on his way and now has two studio albums ‘Hopes and Dreams’ and his latest ‘Easy To Love You’.
Kevin turned to his former band mates in both albums the latter being released in August 2018, who helped him put the albums together. Johnny Cosmic produced the second album which also featured Scott Woodruff. The best introduction I can do for Kbong is showcase some of his songs which will enlighten you on his infectious ska, reggae sound.
‘Livin Easy’ ft Stick Figure is one of my top picks taken off ‘Hopes and Dreams’ released in 2014. It’s an easy song which makes you think of picking up a bong and drifting off into a safe space. Making you wonder more about his surname.
Big[/embed] up yourself Kevin Bong. We look forward to more tunes from you. You’re definitely onto something special.