Elephant Mans Reckless Behaviour Endangers Lives

elephant mans reckless behaviour endangers lives

What was an innocent white lie in Elephant Man’s (Oneal Bryan) eyes has turned out be more sinister subject to review by the countries Immigration Act. Holding back certain information to ensure passage into his home city is the subject pending a court hearing on the 15 of April 2020.

According to an official release from the Jamaican Constabulary Force, following Elephant Man’s arrival at Sangsters International Airport,

“Elephant Man arrived at the airport from Brussels and was asked to declare the countries he had visited. Its alleged he falsified the information and did not declare all the countries. The police will be working closely with the Ministry of Health and Members of the Immigration to determine the appropriate action.”

Basically Oneal did not declare the fact that he had traveled to Germany (which is one of the countries on the island’s restrictions list). I’m guessing he knew that if he declared it, it would have been an issue. In retrospect, quarantine would probably have been the worst case scenario for the celebrity.

This fraudulent behaviour may seem innocent but may actually cost lives. If Elephant Man thought he could get away with it with a feeble excuse and apology he was sadly mistaken. Honestly what’s stopping any random person from doing the same thing knowing it carries a JMD$100 fine? Elephant Man went on record saying,

“After my long journey, I actually put the last country I arrived from, as opposed to all the countries I attended in the last 6 weeks. Sorry fi dat, drop asleep you done know,” he mentioned. In closing, he repeated, “I would never put anyone life at risk, intentionally”.

I would never put anyone’s life at risk intentionally is certainly the right thing to say in hindsight. But come on, really? The virus has been spreading since January and it has been well documented on the news.  Global sport is at a standstill. The death toll keeps rising and countries are creating travel restrictions to try curb the spread. Bearing all this in mind Ele has lead us to believe he didn’t understand the grammar, or was not paying attention because he was tired.

This is a very serious issue that I hope people can understand how detrimental his actions could have been. Lets all be responsible not only for ourselves but for other’s health. Unfortunately the outcome may leave the Energy God with a criminal record. And, in my opinion, he has it coming.


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